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Wellness Care

Annual/ Semiannual Wellness care can help us prevent, diagnose and treat many serious medical illnesses related to your pet’s health. Our pets age a lot faster than us, so they need regular health checkups. Senior pets require wellness exam twice per year. 


Wellness exam is the time to discuss any concerns you may have about your pet’s health. We encourage open dialogue during the wellness exam, so be prepared to ask and answer questions about your pet’s health at their next visit. During our comprehensive nose to tail examination, we are looking for any significant change in:

  • Weight gain or loss
  • Dental changes, such as tartar buildup and gingivitis
  • Irregular lumps and growths that can be cancerous
  • Heart Rate or murmur
  • Muscle and joint conditions
  • Any behavioural changes
  • Any allergies including possible skin conditions
  • Abnormal body temperature
  • Eyes, ears and nose 
  • Changes in hearing and sight (for senior pets)
  • Internal organ function (wellness blood work)

Please contact us about pet wellness care! We want to keep your furry friend happy and healthy.